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T.I.S. Group Limited

T.I.S. Group Limited (TIS) is a group of niche financial services companies with an historical focus on traded endowment policies (TEPs) and an increasing presence in the alternative investment market. 

Through its various trading entities TIS is capable of offering a number of services throughout the value chain; specialising in TEP market making and brokering via Absolute Assigned Policies Limited (AAP), global distribution and promotion of specialist alternative investment products primarily those offered and developed by TIS via PDL International and TEP valuation and administration services particularly to institutional clients via TEP Management Services Limited (TMS).

The group links investors to unique product offerings and assets providing proven long-term sustainable growth with attractive outperformance on a risk-return basis.  The philosophy is to operate under a strict mandate that means only asset classes, which exhibit low or no correlation to capital markets, low volatility and a high degree of capital preservation are developed and promoted.  Furthermore, the group also appreciates the importance of product structuring and as such, offers a variety of TEP structures in multiple jurisdictions in pursuit of investor alignment and the retention of value.

For more information about AAP and PDL International visit our websites: